Time and resource utilization of a voxel-based simulation for indoor multicopters


  • Hendrik Kumpe IPH – Institut für Integrierte Produktion Hannover gGmbH
  • Benjamin Küster IPH – Institut für Integrierte Produktion Hannover gGmbH
  • Malte Stonis
  • Ludger Overmeyer




digital twin, UAS, simulation, voxel-based, layout design


Constantly increasing production volumes and new challenges in production environments with the same amount of space are forcing manufacturing compa-nies to deal with the planning of production layouts. The problem often is a non-existent or outdated production layout plan. Autonomous multicopters can help by sim-plifying layout capture. That's why a voxel-based simula-tion is investigated to develop and train path planning al-gorithms with and without artificial intelligence. First, the temporal behavior and the resource utilization of the sim-ulation is investigated. Then, the time factor of simulation is compared to real time and what advantages companies and developers have when using it.




How to Cite

H. Kumpe, B. Küster, M. Stonis, and L. Overmeyer, “Time and resource utilization of a voxel-based simulation for indoor multicopters”, LJ, no. 20, Oct. 2024.