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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission must be written according to the principles of good scientific practice.
  • The submission addresses at least one of the following topics:
    1. Construction and Mechanical Engineering Design
    2. Control Technology and IT Systems
    3. Management, Organization and Operation
    4. Planning, Analysis and Simulation of Logistic System
  • The submission has been created using one of the templates or according to the guidelines of the Logistics Journal and is available as a Microsoft Word, OpenOffice or LaTeX file, as well as a PDF file.
    Latex Template Editorial Reviewed
    Latex Template Peer Reviewed
    Latex Template Proceedings
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • Three to five keywords are given.
  • The text follows the stylistic and bibliographical guidelines in Guidelines for Authors, these can be found under the checklist.
  • The terms of use for authors have been accepted and signed and enclosed.

Author Guidelines

Basic conditions for the publication of articles in the Logistics Journal

The publication of a scientific article in the Logistics Journal requires that it relates thematically to technical logistics and methodically prepares research objects for scientific benefit.
The technical focus is on the technology and operation of material flow processes in industry, trade and services.
Among other things, design solutions, planning and control procedures and the operation of individual trades as well as overall systems are considered, taking into account information technology, interface design and superordinate and subordinate processes. The focus is on intralogistics.

A narrow, local limitation of the selected subject area leads to exclusion if the transferability of the methodology is not recognizable. In addition, only articles on civil logistics (no military content) will be considered.

The principles of good scientific practice apply. Politically motivated text contributions and those that are directly or indirectly promotional will not be published.

The Logistics Journal is indexed in Scopus, the database for scientific literature.

Detailed and legal information on our author guidelines can be found here.

Classification of articles in the subseries of the Logistics Journal:

(1) Refereed Articles (Peer Review) and
(2) Editorially Reviewed Articles (Editorial Review)

You have the option of publishing your scientific articles in the Logistics Journal with the procedures of a peer review (subseries: Peer Reviewed) or an editorial review (subseries: Editorial Review). The Editorial Review procedure with editorial review is suitable for short-term publications within a few days. The peer-reviewed procedure is considerably more time-consuming, stricter and identifies high-quality and scientifically particularly valuable articles to the scientific community. The processing time can be six months.

(3) Proceedings - articles from the WGTL specialist colloquium

Articles presented at the regular WGTL colloquium have previously been submitted to the WGTL committee in short form (abstract), reviewed and approved from a selection of submitted articles with the long application. After publication of these articles in the WGTL Colloquium, they appear in the Logistics Journal in the Proceedings subseries.

Peer Reviewed Publications

Authorized ISSN: 1860-7977 Logistics Journal. Refereed publications

Editorial Reviewed Pubilcations

Authorized ISSN: 1860-5923 Logistics Journal. Editorial Reviewed.


Authorized ISSN: 2192-9084 Logistics Journal. Proceedings

Privacy Statement

The protection of your personal data is an important concern for us. Your data will be processed in accordance with the statutory regulations. For further information, please refer to the data privacy information provided by the hbz as operator of the OJS instance, as well as to the privacy policy.

The terms of use of the Logistics Journal can be found here.