Non Reviewed Articles
Please observe the following instructions for non-peer reviewed publications in the eJournal:
- Text in English or German
- Titel and summary/abstract in English and German
- Assigned topics (see below)
- Information about the author
- Three to five keywords
- Pictures in image file formats jpeg or png
- Meta tags according to DCMI (see "Downloads")
Please choose one or max. two of the following topics and enclose your choice in the e-mail with which you submit your article.
- Construction and mechanical design
- Control technology and IT systems
- Management, organisation and operation
- Planning, analysis and simulation of logistic systems
Submit non-peer reviewed articles
For your article please use a Word template for non-reviewed articles with German or English spell aid (see "Downloads") and mail it, necessary details (meta tags) included, to Mr. Moritz Roidl.
Dipl.-Inform. Moritz Roidl
phone +49 231 755-3092
fax + 49 231 755-4768